Disclaimers. Because I’m Not an Expert.
I receive no benefit from this review other than the inner calm created by venting my rage at the use and abuse of conversion candidates as “easy money” who can be milked with a half-assed attempt at a book. It’s pretty and well-written; their marketing has been honed to an artform, but they forgot that marketing ultimately fails if there’s no substance.
Becoming Jewish: Ur Doin It Rong
“Our goal is to deliver a practical book with insider information that demystifies a religion still somewhat shrouded in secrecy with expressions, gestures, practices, customs, rituals, and a language that dates back over four thousand years.” Yet I’m a layman, and I can see the glaring issues with this book. That’s worrisome. The problems are basic and pervasive.
The author is a reconstructionist rabbi who has apparently achieved considerable success in the world of interfaith families. Be appropriately impressed with this factoid: “Dr. Reuben was once referred to as ‘the most famous rabbi in the world’ when he was seen by millions on live television officiating the vow renewal of Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne on New Year’s Eve 2003.” I noted a distinct focus on public action and spectacle being the “true” experience of Judaism, and I think this bio reflects that worldview, focusing on prestige and fame as the hallmarks of legitimacy and authority. Produce a pretty book with reasonable-sounding writing and a snazzy cover, and people who don’t know any better will buy it. I’m sorry to have to call out someone who has clearly been dedicated to the rabbinic profession for many years, but for someone with this much experience, it baffles the mind where this book came from. Was this really written by a ghostwriter, and the author didn’t bother to read the proofs closely enough?
I marked over 40 of these factual errors as bad enough to groan at. The rabbi may be a great reconstructionist rabbi for all I know, but he appears to have a superficial (and sometimes blatantly incorrect) understanding of Jewish tradition and law. Here is the cover and my annotations of groan-worthy errors:
- “Before that [conversion], you’ll learn about holidays where you blow a hollowed-out ram’s horn. Then you’ll spend a week outside in a see-through shack and shake an oversized lemon and some branches. Next you’ll wear a costume and make a ruckus every time someone mentions the bad guy’s name. Soon you’ll spin a top to memorialize war and light a bunch of candles while reciting prayers in Hebrew. Later you’ll eat a bland cracker and a funky-tasting fish while reflecting on how our people were slaves in Egypt.”
Anything strike you as off there? Oh yeah, the holidays are out of order.
- “Many kosher kitchens have dual refrigerators, utensils, plates, and dishwashers – one for meat and one for dairy.”
Two fridges? I have yet to see a kosher kitchen (a non-commercial kitchen) with two fridges. If you study anything about kashrut, you immediately learn that there has to be some heat to transfer the “taste” of meat or dairy, and that makes the fridge an unlikely candidate for a “mixing” issue. What’s next, separate trash cans?
- [Discussing the development of the modern Jewish wedding ceremony] “A family would hold a simple betrothal ceremony where the bride and groom were legally pledged to one another in the presence of witnesses who would sign a ketubah. Then the families of the bride and groom would have about a year to prepare for the wedding.”
As someone who says he has performed many Jewish weddings, this total mishmashing of the wedding tradition baffles me. He is referring to the tannaim, the betrothal agreement. And he doesn’t even get it right. During the betrothal, it was the fathers (or families, whatever) that signed the tannaim, not witnesses. The historical tannaim (as I understand it) usually set practical details like wedding date, location, and who pays for what. The ketubah is the legal document that signifies that the wedding actually happened and thus the couple is married, not betrothed. In traditional wedding ceremonies, both contracts are still completed. (An example of when the tannaim isn’t signed: my wedding did not have a tannaim, as my family is not Jewish, and thus could not enter into the contract. Yay halacha. So we skipped it, and that’s also perfectly kosher. However, skipping the ketubah would NOT be kosher.)
- “Grooms unveil brides in a ceremony called a badeken to ensure the right person is present.”
They veil the bride, not unveil her. Again, how many Jewish weddings has this guy done? This seems like a petty thing to point out, I admit, but this is often the most beautiful and touching part of a wedding ceremony. You don’t forget it.
Wait! Can’t forget to throw in a passive aggressive jab at the stupidity of traditional Jewish wedding ceremonies: “Of course, having the bride circle the groom was also a symbol of the bride leaving her father’s home for her husband’s, and as such is fundamentally a sexist, male-centered symbol.” Maybe I misunderstood the part of the rabbi’s acknowledgements that said, “It [the book] outlines the many paths to Judaism so you can avoid mismatched expectations and instead identify the denomination that best suits your life. You wouldn’t choose a partner with tentacles and fins, so why bank on a movement that’s as foreign to you as intergalactic space travel? Remember, each path is lined with plenty of challah, holidays, community, and God, so you can’t go wrong as long as the level of observance works for you.” Unless that means being an oppressed woman subjugated by orthodoxy. I thought he was saying this book would provide a neutral view of each movement, but now I see that I have tentacles and fins and that no reasonable person would enter this space-age world called orthodoxy.
- “Judaism, Islam, Christianity, Hinduism, and Buddhism are religions. Some would even go so far as to claim paganism is a religion. But that’s a topic for another book altogether.” [Emphasis mine.]
- “In the past, halacha (Jewish law) defined a Jew as a person born of a Jewish mother. That has since changed, and those who convert and promise to believe in the most central belief of Judaism – God is one – can ultimately choose to be Jewish.”
- “There is no getting around learning Hebrew if you are converting to the Orthodox or Conservative movement. Honestly, you’ll feel like a third wheel when others around you are repeating the V’ahavta, the Aleinu, or the Kaddish and you’re speechless. [This seems to suggest only reading skills?] Those converting into the Reconstructionist or Reform movement are encouraged to learn but are not necessarily required to master Hebrew.” [Master? That’s very different from reading.] …”Think of it this way: if you moved to France for an extended stay, chances are you would want to learn the language to communicate with the locals. Nothing says ‘tourist’ like speaking English when those in the marketplace are haggling in their native tongue. …The good news is that most Jews you speak Hebrew with as a convert to Judaism will speak English fluently.”
More importantly, let’s get down to the practical issue: the conservative and orthodox movements do NOT require any actual Hebrew language knowledge. You must be able to pronounce Hebrew text aloud from a prayer book, that is all. You don’t even have to do it quickly! You do not need to be conversational in Hebrew. Yes, you will learn some Hebrew (and Yiddish) phrases and words because that just happens when you’re immersed in them, but you won’t hold a Hebrew conversation unless you want to learn that. I am aware of no conversion program that mandates actual Hebrew language training, though individuals may choose to do so. Of course, in the conservative movement, each rabbi sets his or her own conversion standards. There may be shuls that require this, but I think that’s dumb. Yep, that’s my intelligent analysis of the situation. Okay, maybe it’s also an unnecessary restriction on conversion that probably violates halacha.
- “Modern times have brought us people that wish to erase the memory of the Holocaust and eight million victims by denying it ever happened.”
8 million? I’ve never heard that number before. 6 million, of course. 11 million, yes. 12 million, sure. My Jewish historian husband says he’s never heard 8 million either. So this wasn’t exactly groan-worthy; it was more “WTF?” In the glossary, he clarifies that only 2 million non-Jews were systematically killed by the Nazis. Uhh…I know a few people who would disagree with you there. Also, I’m pretty sure the Holocaust happened in “modern times” and that Holocaust denial has been present since the Holocaust was in progress, but that’s just being anal retentive.
- “It’s an interesting fact that the Hebrew words for bread (lechem) and war (milkhama) come from the same root. This reminds us that bread – sustenance – has often been the root of war throughout the course of human history. When the day comes when we have created a world providing sustenance for everyone in abundance, perhaps wars will cease.”
- “No matter which branch of Judaism you choose, you’ll see that tikkun olam and social justice are centerpieces of the community.”
- “Upon leaving the mikvah (and dressing), your witness will accompany you to your conversion ceremony. This part is typically brief but is also the part friends and family can attend. Think of it like graduation. Once your ceremony ends, you are officially Jewish.”
- “There are even additional components of the soul that not everyone has. One, neshamah kedoshah, or the ‘holy higher soul,’ is a piece of the soul we receive when we have a bar or bat mitzvah.”
- He clearly has no understanding of the conversion process (or the problems) in the orthodox world today. He makes it sound so clear-cut: Apply to the “state rabbinical council,” who will assign a beit din. Take two years of group classes, and then BAM! Mikvah date. Easy peasy.
Why not take the opportunity to take a cheap jab at the orthodox? “[H]e (there are no female rabbis in the orthodox movement) convenes your conversion date.” Let’s not even discuss how that sentence is completely illogical. (Ok, I’ll explain it just in case: You don’t convene a date. You convene a beit din or you set a date. Maybe he had a brainfart and combined the two sentences?)
- This one was just funny: [Discussing security/antisemitism/anti-Zionism precautions.] “A good rule of thumb is to avoid strangers that approach you at religious-affiliated functions or buildings or at your home. While it sounds extreme, it will keep you safe.”
- “You would have to present a deep conflict for them [the beit din] to have reservations about rubberstamping your conversion, like wearing a keffiyah, crossing yourself, or whipping out a BLT.” He earlier mentions belief in Jesus as divine or as a prophet as reasons to turn down a candidate in the beit din.
EDIT: I have had several comments from readers who say that one beit din meeting is the norm in the reconstructionist, reform, and conservative communities. I’m willing to grant you that, but that doesn’t mean that there aren’t exceptions. And those people should not be made to feel like worthless crap by someone who’s never even met them or heard their story. This chapter implies that there is a serious flaw in a person who “fails” a beit din.
[An explanation of the keffiyah objection above might be useful for some of you. A keffiya is a particular kind of scarf that has become symbolic of the Palestinian political cause. In recent years, it has also become a fashionable piece of clothing, completely unrelated to politics. I own two really nice ones, one green and one purple and pink. I can see no other interpretation of his suggestion than political support of Palestinians being an automatic disqualification for conversion. Last I checked, a political position on Israel or the Palestinians has never been required for conversion. Nor should it be required. I am incredibly offended by this suggestion, and I believe you should be offended too. The idea that this rabbi would require conformity to his own political views as a condition of conversion is absolutely unacceptable and downright horrifying.]
Oy, I said I didn't read the book, but I skimmed it and saw that part about the conversion "ceremony." Ick.
Good for you for reading these – in case something good comes along. And good for you for steering folks far, FAR in the other direction.
You should leave an Amazon review, too, so others aren't deceived.
Thank you! I read this about six months ago and I had to go back and make sure I had learned some key points correctly. Luckily I had, but that will teach me to get the conversion book with the famous person's name on the cover.
EEK! Thanks for the warning. I'll be sure to not waste my money on this.
I have just one question though, how did you ever manage to finish it without hurling it out a window?
Please post this review on Amazon. Seriously. I bought this book a few months ago, just to add another "resource" to my collection, and even I, a relatively new Conservative conversion candidate, could poke holes in the more glaring misstatements. Aside from the potential damage this book could do to the geirus of unwitting readers, it's a shame to waste $10 on it, and I wish now that I had read a review like this when I was deciding to order it.
Thank you for this review. This could be so destructive to the geirus of unwitting readers, as Elizabeth said. Please do post a review on Amazon.
'Rabbi Yehudah used to say, "Be careful in teaching, for error in teaching amounts to deliberate sin."
Just to say, btw, that while I agree with nearly all of your review and with those kinds of errors, the book must suck ass, the "You only have to visit the beth din once" is pretty much how it works in progressive communities as far as I know. Your rabbi is the one who will say "you don't know enough, go do this, or this, or study this". The beth din is effectively rubber-stamping your rabbi's decision that you are ready – when I converted (British Reform), I had five conversion-specific interviews with my rabbi over two years and on the day of my conversion spent about half an hour with the beth din making sure I understood the commitment I was making, checking my Hebrew, and asking some theological questions. Pretty much what the Talmud requires!
I've read large amounts of your blog, and I appreciate many of the beautiful aspects of Orthodoxy that I do not experience as a Progressive Jew, but the willingness to stress converts out forcing them to make repeated trips to the beth din looking for reasons to tell them to go away and come back in six months seems just mean. If you broadly live the life of an observant Jew (the hard bit of converting and only your rabbi would know whether you meet this requirement) and you don't appear to want to convert in order to make aliyah and take down Israel from the inside, then there should be no "stumbling block before the blind". This freaking out over whether you wear trousers or not is just silly.
I got this book from the library and it was not for me. Thank you for your review. It is important to have good information for converts . Thanks
Rabbi Josh Feigelson, a graduate of Yeshiva Chovevei Torah has a Dvar Torah where he says milchama and lechem do have the same root. Here's an excerpt:
One of the keywords of Parshat Beshallach is really two words with the same root. The first is milchama, the Hebrew word for war. The second is lechem, which means bread […]
The juxtaposition of these two words that look identical, lechem and milchama, bread and war, is striking. Hasidic thinkers, including the Kedushas Levi and Reb Shneur Zalman of Liadi, have picked up on the similarities in the words in order to understand the relationship between them more deeply. The latter explains that every time we eat, a battle takes place between the holy and the unholy. Our eating can become an act of sanctification, reflection, and improvement; or it can become an act of baseness, coarseness, and vulgarity. If we take the time to prepare, to focus, and to make our eating purposeful and intentional, we can make the act into one of holiness. But if we eat quickly, inhaling our food and failing to acknowledge its significance, then we are no more than animals satisfying our base desires.
For the full dvar Torah, click here: http://joshfeigelson.wordpress.com/2012/02/03/beshallach-5772-war-and-bread/
I am laughing very hard at this book. There is so much wrong with it and it is NOT impartial about the movements. But there may have been a few spots where you were too hard on him.
Pagini means 'country people' or as we might call them "am haAretz". It was a Roman insult, like "Rube". As Christianity caught on first in the cities, and the country folk held onto the old ways, it turned into an insult toward all nature-based/polytheist religions. Only recently have people started calling themselves Pagan as a religion. I think that is the kind of Paganism he means, not the actual religions of Biblical times.
Second, there are beliefs about extra souls, not just Sabbath souls. Many Chassidic Jews believe Jews have an additional soul all the time, and the Lubavitchers teach that all or most Gentiles just have the soul that all animals have; no human soul. That idea does exist, though why a social justice type would embrace that, I've no idea, as it borders on a racist idea even to many Orthodox Jews.
Third, I think he means that failing a Beit Din is rare because Rabbis should not bring a candidate before one until they are confident they are ready; "unreadiness" is an unlikely reason to fail anywhere but perhaps Orthodoxy.
Lastly, relatedly, he is not kidding when he implies that politics may impact your conversion. The Conservative movement has been Zionist from it's beginning and does make it an important issue and i was asked at (in, actually) the mikvah if I promise to help build the Jewish State. If it's an issue you want to know more about, I'm happy to explain what I know. Here are the Core Beliefs.
Ismar Schorsch, Chancellor of the Jewish Theological Seminary, identifies and explores seven core values of Conservative Judaism in his monograph, "The Sacred Cluster: The Core Values of Conservative Judaism." According to Schorsch, the core values of Conservative Judaism are:
The Centrality of Modern Israel
Hebrew: The Irreplaceable Language of Jewish Expression
Devotion to the Ideal of Klal Yisrael
The Defining Role of Torah in the Reshaping of Judaism
The Study of Torah
The Governance of Jewish Life by Halakha
Belief in God
I believe that the 'lechem/milchama' connection originated with Rabbi S. R. Hirsch, although I think modern scholarship would see it as a fanciful idea.
The bar mitzvah soul idea is just weird. I suppose it could be the next logical step in the bar mitzvah's change from being a legal term for 'adult' to one of the most important Jewish life-experiences.
Seriously, thank you Kochava for that review. To me, that was very funny. You had me laughing so much and I needed a good laugh. With such mistakes and superficiality, I'm shocked it was published. Why?
Amazing review. I'm disgusted with this book.
One thing: to my understanding, Chabad was once a larger movement than just Lubavitch, though since Lubavitch is the only branch of Chabad still in existence, the words are now used interchangeably. Could that account for the Chabad/Lubavitch confusion in the glossary?
I second Jennifer's suggestion of posting your review to Amazon, and thank you for this review.
I agree with Mikhal-Sarah that requiring more than one trip to the beit din is limited to Orthodox conversions. A possible cause of this difference may be in how often you meet with your rabbi. I met with mine weekly at first, and then every other week, as part of my Conservative conversion. What I know of Orthodox conversions suggests that actual meetings with a rabbi are infrequent compared to Conservative and Reform conversion procedures. The "Intro to Judaism" class which both Conservative and Reform place so centrally in the conversion process is absolutely worthless, IMHO. It is so lacking in depth that calling it shallow is an overstatement.
"Upon leaving the mikvah (and dressing), your witness will accompany you to your conversion ceremony. This part is typically brief but is also the part friends and family can attend. Think of it like graduation. Once your ceremony ends, you are officially Jewish."
No. No no no. That is just wrong. You become "Jewish" when you are in the mikvah. You enter the mikvah not Jewish and exit it Jewish.
Reform and Recon, from my experience, are huge on the "public ceremony" stuff. I heard more than once that "once you say this blessing for the Torah, you are officially a bar/bat mitzvah!" I wouldn't be surprised if he, as a Recon rabbi, really did believe that the ceremony was what made someone "officially Jewish."
It sounds like a terrible book, and if it were me reading it I'd probably put it down at "then you'll spend a week outside in a see-through shack and shake an oversized lemon and some branches." Is that all he has to say about it? (When did disrespect become funny? Did I miss that one?) He obviously doesn't think highly of halacha ("oversized lemon"…"see through shack"?!) Having the holidays in the wrong order wasn't my first thought at all!
Besides that though, the jabs at the Orthodox and the lack of knowledge about Chabad don't surprise me at all.
The "Intro to Judaism" class which both Conservative and Reform place so centrally in the conversion process is absolutely worthless, IMHO. It is so lacking in depth that calling it shallow is an overstatement.
I can attest to this.
I've missed this blog. 🙂 🙂 🙂
Nice Article ..Thanks for sharing..
Lastly, relatedly, he is not kidding when he implies that politics may impact your conversion. The Conservative movement has been Zionist from it's beginning and does make it an important issue and i was asked at (in, actually) the mikvah if I promise to help build the Jewish State.
Wow. That's very different from my Conservative experience. Israel did come up at my beit din, but because I brought it up; I was asked which aspect of Judaism or Jewish identity I felt was the most difficult to accept fully, and I actually said Israel in general, the Law of Return in particular. I went on to explain that this wasn't because I'm anti-Zionist, but because I have major problems with the separation (or lack thereof) of synagogue and state as it exists in Israel at the present, and finding a deep emotional connection with the Jewish state when I know that the Rabbanut of that state does not consider me Jewish is difficult. No one gave me a hard time about my answer at all (my rabbi actually really liked it, although we had had this conversation before). Aside from an Israel discussion in the Intro to Judaism class I took, the topic of zionism and Israel did not feature prominently in my conversion process at all. I think it could be problematic if someone cruised into a beit din and said, "I don't think Israel should exist!" or something like that, but my feelings toward Israel are very complicated, and it was never an issue.
The "Intro to Judaism" class which both Conservative and Reform place so centrally in the conversion process is absolutely worthless, IMHO. It is so lacking in depth that calling it shallow is an overstatement.
I think this can depend a lot on the person teaching the class and, possibly more importantly, the other participants in the class. My class was heavily weighted towards couples where one person was converting and the other person was there for moral support, and most of the Jewish spouses were not regular shul attendees. As a result, there was a lot of basic information that needed to be covered to even begin to get to a place where everyone could start discussing deeper issues- when you're meeting once a week for a couple of hours, that's a tall order. On the other hand, I think a class that was weighted more toward people converting totally independently (or as spouses of people more involved in the Jewish community), I think the dynamic would be very different. I do agree that while an Intro to Judaism class can be useful for someone who is relatively new to Judaism, if you're someone who's done a lot of reading or been Jewishly involved for any length of time, it may be less valuable, particularly if it's a class comprised of conversion candidates from multiple shuls, as it's not even like you'll see a lot of them on Shabbat or holidays to offer moral support or whatever.
If they did, I'd imagine that other rabbis would have picked up on it by now. We've had some pretty good minds making linguistic connections over the millenia. One voice doesn't make it true.
I don't believe so. There are other words in the glossary that say, "See Entry X" when they are related. The Chabad and Lubavitch "definitions" don't refer to each other and are slightly different.
I was very lucky with my "intro to Judaism" class that my conservative conversion required. Yes, much of the material was pretty basic, but we discussed it very deeply and even hit a few specialty topics I'd never studied. (For example, it spurred my love of Mussar, not the fire-and-brimstone kind.) They were smart people who generally did know the basics, and were able to discuss things intelligently and had interesting things to add. It had conversion candidates, Jews who were exploring their heritage (including a young patrilineal Jew who cried when we got to the "Who is a Jew?" question and she discovered most Jews don't think she's Jewish), and a Christian lady who was interested in learning more about Jesus. She didn't last through the course though. The statements of some students being dismissive of their previous religious affiliations weren't always nice. (I don't think they realized there was a Christian.) The most surprising thing is that the class was co-sponsored by all the shuls in the surrounding area except the Chabad: several reforms, a conservative, and an orthodox shul. The class was taught by a college professor who was studying to be an orthodox rabbi. He was an excellent choice, and was able to balance movement differences very diplomatically and honestly. All the rabbis came in to give a lesson to the class, some more than once.
The Sacramento community had a remarkable level of inter-movement cooperation and respect. Sac had (has?) the two largest neo-Nazi gangs in CA (surprising!), so the shuls were hit at least twice a year or so. (Thankfully, they mostly had turf wars with each other instead of with religious and racial minorities.) The orthodox shul had been destroyed by firebombing about 10 or 15 years ago, with two failed simultaneous attempts at the conservative and reform shuls. Usually, there was nothing more than graffiti, but the community would come together to clean and repair the damage and have a potluck dinner. There is always divisive people, but the grand majority of the community was really great, and that transfered to the intro class I had. I don't believe it was worthless, but you need a great teacher, engaged students, and a welcoming community to make it work. I was lucky to have all of those.
I added my two cents about the intro to Judaism class in the post above yours!
Re: Israel and the conservative movement. Like the commenter below, my conservative conversion didn't cover Israel at all. The shul itself "supported Israel," but was careful not to advocate any political positions or "peace plans" because they knew there were great differences of opinion within the members. I think they generally handled it very diplomatically.
All: I wrote an Amazon review already. It was basically the first draft of this post (and a much condensed version).
Too many quality lines in this post to pick out my favorite. Thank you for doing a service to all those that may have been flummoxed by this book. I thoroughly enjoyed reading your review. I'm still kind of chuckling.
(including a young patrilineal Jew who cried when we got to the "Who is a Jew?" question and she discovered most Jews don't think she's Jewish),
That's so sad! ;_;
That's pretty neat you had that experience though. I've been to Reform and Recon conversion classes, and they were pretty pointless. I went to a Conservative "walking with mitzvot" class though; the rabbi was super smart but the people said things like "people still keep kosher?" That was in Hampton, VA..
/my 2 centaroonies
Excellent review. I'd always heard that Reconstructionist Jews were pretty observant by non-orthodox standards, (am I naive to think that "observant" means "knowledgeable about Judaism in general and halacha in particular"?), so I hope this rabbi either knows his stuff better than you would apparently think he does from reading this book, or that as a Reconstructionist Rabbi, he's the exception rather than the rule.
(We don't have Reconstructionist Judaism in the UK – certainly not in the relative backwater I live in – so I can't check. And anyway, Reform and Conservative (Masorti) – and possibly even Orthodox – Judaism are different here than in the States, so it's more than likely that Reconstructionist Judaism, if it were to suddenly spring up here, would be too.)
They are both derived from a root lamed-chet-mem, but they are derived from two different roots compiled of the same three letters (in the same order). The reason you can have two different roots that are seemingly the same is that the three h's of proto-Semitic collapsed into only two h's in Hebrew, so the Hebrew chet actually stands in for two separate letters. Originally, then, the middle radical (root consonant) of these two roots were different from one another, but since Hebrew orthography can't support that distinction, it's been lost to us except by reconstructing it using historical linguistics.
Ah, I borrowed this from the library. It was…semi-ish helpful? I'm converting Reform, so slightly more relevant, but I found myself disenchanted with it and with the Anita Diamant book that so many Reform rabbis seem to be beloved of. And the Saget introduction was like nails on a chalkboard. I appreciate their goal, and I wonder how much of what you have pointed out would leap out at me now, a year later and nearly done with converting. At the time I read it, it was more like OMG I'M CONVERTING TO JUDAISM! READ ALL THE THINGS! and so I did, and was excited. Those are some pretty giant oopsies.
I swear I'm done – my rabbi would not convene the Beit Din until he felt I was ready to become Jewish. He is now, and that's why there's essentially a guarantee that I will pass (see previous comment about it taking place at the mikvah), but there's a reason he hasn't done it until now. To state otherwise is, as you point out, foolish and misleading. And a giant FU to the author on the use of the term rubberstamping. I've had to learn and grow and sit through class and have some really scary, raw conversations as part of my conversion process. I am really, really offended by the term rubberstamp.
Also! Having read the rest of the comments now (:)) My intro class was helpfulish. My converting rabbi is a very knowledgable, devout man and encourages the same from the congregation and his conversion candidates. He gave us lots of nuts and bolts about Judaism and the concepts, etc. Then we switched rabbis. And the other rabbi, who's a much bigger name, was really, really flaky. In the class on marriage customs, we spent the time talking about how the ancient Jewish weddings of yore took place in the market and how that was a public affair. Then we talked about doing brissim on the dining room table. And it was just generally dreadful and I spent my time gritting my teeth to get the certificate I needed.
I've met with my rabbi one-on-one for about an hour each time…5 or 6 times throughout the year I've been in the conversion process. My beit din meeting is being held in the same place as my mikvah, and I've been told the setup will be 40 minutes with BD, go prep, mikvah, done. It's a relaxed conversation, not a "this may not happen today" moment.
Though I do find it interesting that I know I will have three rabbis on my BD panel, whereas the other rabbi (from the class) is converting a friend of mine from the class, and she's been told her BD will at the minimum have two women who work for the URJ present, in addition to her rabbi. Whether he has two other rabbis in order to make it conform nominally to halacha (which is my rabbi's logic for doing it, I suppose to help ensure I have no issues should I ever go Conservative) or not, I wonder. Would a conversion done by a BD that is not of three rabbis in the Reform movement "count" in the Conservative, Kochava? Any ideas?
" He says nisuin is the "Jewish wedding ceremony," but it's the betorthal ceremony."
No, sorry, nisu'in is the consummation of marriage under the chupah. You're thinking of what can be called either "kiddushin" or "eirusin," which are basically synonymous terms for betrothal.
"[Discussing the development of the modern Jewish wedding ceremony] "A family would hold a simple betrothal ceremony where the bride and groom were legally pledged to one another in the presence of witnesses who would sign a ketubah. Then the families of the bride and groom would have about a year to prepare for the wedding."
As someone who says he has performed many Jewish weddings, this total mishmashing of the wedding tradition baffles me. He is referring to the tannaim, the betrothal agreement. And he doesn't even get it right. During the betrothal, it was the fathers (or families, whatever) that signed the tannaim, not witnesses. The historical tannaim (as I understand it) usually set practical details like wedding date, location, and who pays for what. The ketubah is the legal document that signifies that the wedding actually happened and thus the couple is married, not betrothed."
This actually sounds like he's describing the wedding procedure that did take place in Talmudic times, where the kiddushin, which is a legal betrothal, would take place about a year before the nisu'in, the chupah/wedding ceremony. Today, things have changed and we (except Yemenites) do the kiddushin and nisu'in at the same ceremony, seconds or minutes apart. The ketubah is given after the kiddushin/betrothal part, and before the nisu'in.
I feel robbed; I bought this on my Kindle last year…I wish I knew all this before I bought it. But, on the bright side, I bought another book about How To Become Jewish (And Why Not To), which was quite suitable and helpful for me; being from the UK and all.
I don't know why it offends you to say that paganism is sometimes considered a religion. Are you not aware of Neo-Paganism? It's a family of religious groups including (neo-) Druidry, Wiccans, Asratu, and other modern revivals of ancient paganism. I can understand that you might disapprove of them, much as you would Christianity or Islam, but that's no reason to say that they're not religious.
To clarify, I was upset that he did not recognize paganism as a religion. Many of my close friends are pagan.